The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 74 of 259
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The LXX translates faithfulness by aletheia, "truth", and reins by pleuras, "the sides"
or loins. Here is the girdle of truth.
"He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon His head"
(Isa. 59: 17).
Here is the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation.
"How beautiful . . . . . are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth
peace" (Isa. 52: 7).
Here are the feet shod with preparation of the good tidings of peace.
"He that made my mouth like a sharp sword" (Isa. 49: 2).
Here is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.
"His truth shall be my shield and buckler" (Psa. 91: 4).
"Truth" in the O.T. often stands for God's faithfulness. Here is the shield of faith.
Satan did not commence operations in Eph. 6:, neither did God wait until Eph. 6:
before providing His people with the panoply of God. Eve must have laid aside the
armour when attacked by the Devil. She tampered with truth; she entertained doubts of
God's faithfulness; she failed to quench the fiery darts of the wicked, and she handled
the sword of the Spirit deceitfully.
The sixfold armour.
A | The GIRDLE.  Truth or faithfulness.
B | The BREASTPLATE.  Righteousness.
C | The SHOES.  Gospel of peace.
A | The SHIELD.  Faith or faithfulness.
B | The HELMET.  Salvation.
C | The SWORD.  The Word of God.
Let us notice some features that come into prominence by this twofold arrangement.
The breastplate and the helmet (heart and head).--There is no more vital connection
in either law or gospel than that of righteousness and salvation. A salvation that had not
righteousness as its basis would be useless in the conflict with the evil one. This is why
in II Cor. 6: 7 Paul calls the whole armour "the armour of righteousness". The
breastplate and the helmet are brought together in I Thess. 5: 8, where the breastplate is
"faith and love", and the helmet "the hope of salvation".
The shoes and the sword (feet and hands).--Both speak of a message. Once the
gospel of peace, the other a word of war. The idea conveyed by the word "preparation"
seems to be that of a firm footing, the word being sometimes used for a "base" in the
70: We must fully understand peace if we would succeed in war. The peace here