The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 72 of 259
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interpret the words "having done all" by "having overcome all the spiritual foes". While
it certainly involves that thought, we shall come nearer to the truth by observing the
actual word employed and its usage in other passages.  Katergazomai means to
thoroughly work, or to achieve. Two occurrences of the word in the epistles seem to give
light upon its meaning in Eph. 6: The first is:--
"WORK OUT your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil. 2: 12).
Salvation was the blessed possession of the Philippians, but the object of that epistle is
to urge these believers into practical realization of their position in Christ. It speaks of
"striving", of running for a "prize", of "suffering", and of the "power of His resurrection".
The other passage is II Cor. 4: 17:--
"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, WORKETH for us a far more
exceeding eternal weight of glory."
Once again we have suffering connected with glory. So in Eph. 6: 13, "Having
worked out all, to stand".
We cannot help seeing in this a reference back to Rom. 8: 37-39. We have been
saved, let us work out this salvation. We have been made more than conquerors in
Christ, let us work out this victory in our own experience. This appears to be the essence
of the passage. More than conquerors in the risen Christ, putting the whole armour of
God, withstanding every assault in the "power of His might", and standing when all is
finished, this is our portion. We must consider in subsequent papers:--
1. The whole armour of God, and
2. The three-fold nature of the conflict.
Meanwhile there is no more important word for the soldier of Christ to-day than
(Mystery16, pp.81-86).