The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 49 of 259
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(Heb. 12: 1), and occurs in Rom. 13: 12; Eph. 4: 22, 25; Col. 3: 8; James 1: 21; and
I Pet. 2: 1.  Eph. 4: 25 is the only place where we read of putting away the lie. All
other passages deal with some of the smaller sub-divisions into which the lie falls, such
as "the works of darkness", "the old man and his manner of life" and such individual
manifestations as "anger", "malice", "blasphemy", &100:
In Eph. 4: 25-32 this putting away of the lie is dealt with, and the Spirit of God
condescends to details in order that we may be made sensible that in the words of our
mouth, the works of our hands, the very tone of our voices, we may manifest the truth
and repudiate the lie. Two expressions seems to stand out in this passage as index figures
on a dial:--
THE LIE.--"Gives place to the devil" and "Grieves the Holy Spirit of God."
THE TRUTH.--"Even as God for Christ's sake hath acted graciously to you."
Let us see the passage as a whole.
Eph. 4: 25 - 32.
A | 25. | a |  Putting away the lie.
b |  Speak truth.
c |  Reason.--"Members."
B | 26.  Question concerning anger.
C | 27.  Give not place to the devil.
D | 28. | d |  Steal not.
e |  Labour for that which is good.
f |  Working with hands.
g |  To supply need.
D | 29. | d |  No corrupt speech.
e |  But that which is good.
f |  Out of your mouth.
g |  To build up the need.
C | 30.  Grieve not the Holy Spirit.
B | 31-.  Answer as to anger.
A | -31, 32. | a |  Put away all bitterness, &100:
b |  Be kind.
c |  Reason.--"God for Christ's sake."
The practical side of the truth.
If we have put away the lie, we shall speak truth with fellow-members. To speak truth
may at first sight appear to mean only the bearing of a true witness, but a man who would
scorn to tell a lie may fail to speak truth if "corrupt communications" proceed out of his
mouth. His remedy is found in the "seasoning" which only the "grace" of God can give
(Col. 4: 6).
Or again, the man who eschews corrupt speech may tarnish the fair name of truth by
"bitterness". Even husbands who love their wives in some faint resemblance of the love