The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 33 of 259
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"Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto
me according to the energy of His power" (Eph. 3: 7).
"Now unto Him Who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask of
think, according to that power energizing us" (Eph. 3: 20).
This mighty power, "the power of His resurrection", is the life of the One Body:--
"According to the energy in measure of each one part" (Eph. 4: 16).
The distribution of energeia and energeo in Ephesians is suggestive:--
A | 1: 11. The purpose.  Energizing all things with a view to.
B | 1: 19.  Exceeding power.  "To usward."
C | 1: 20.  Christ the Head.  The energy.
D |  2: 2.  The energizing of the children of disobedience.
A | 3: 7-11.  The purpose.  Energizing the minister with a view to.
B | 1: 19.  Exceeding power.  "In us."
C | 1: 20.  The members.  The energy.
It will be seen that the energy that actuates every member of the One Body is that
same energy that pulsates through ta panta, "the all things", and which raised Christ, the
Head, the Fullness, and with Him "the all things" also far above all. The reader may
remember that in between the reference to the ascension of Christ and the gifts for men in
Eph. 4: 8, and the details of their bestowal and ministry, comes that reference to the fact
that the Lord ascended up far above all heavens that He might fill "the all things". The
reader may now better realize the close relation that there is between the church of the
One Body, and that great purpose of the ages. Every time we are actuated by the flesh, or
the world, we by so much militate against the purpose of God.
This constant association with the purpose of God and its resurrection power is but
another way of saying verse 15, "Truthing, in love we all should grow". There is another
energy at work, the lie, with Satan at its head. He rules in the lower regions of "the air",
and not "far above all heavens". His associates are the "rulers of the darkness of this
world", and the "children of disobedience" (Eph. 2: 2; 6: 12).
"THE MEASURE OF EVERY PART."--It is not sufficient to remember the gifts of
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Every member of the Body has a
part to play, and it is according to the measure of each one part that this Church builds up
itself in love.
Here then is a place and a power for each. Let us heartily and gratefully respond.
(Mystery15, pp.52-56).