The Berean Expositor
Volume 42 - Page 19 of 259
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Paul has a purpose in this statement as we may well believe. What is it? Christ
ascended up far above all heavens "that He might fill (pleroo, cf. pleroma) all things"
(ta panta, the all things). We cannot avoid the reference back to Eph. 1: 20-23:--
"Seated at His own right hand far above all . . . . . and gave Him (as) Head over all
things to the church, which is His body, the fullness (pleroma) of Him that filleth
(pleroo) the all things (ta panta) with all."
This reference does something else for us. It explains the meaning of Eph. 4: 7 "the
gift of Christ". We did not discuss the question earlier as to whether this phrase means "a
gift that Christ gives", or that Christ Himself was to be considered as the gift. Eph. 1: 22
decides this for us:--
"The gift of Christ" (Tes doreas tou Christou).
"And gave Him to be Head" (Kai auton edoke kephalen).
We may now read Eph. 4: 7-10 again:--
"But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ,
i.e., God's gift of Christ as Head of His Church, and that church the fullness of Him that
filleth all in all. Seeing that the members are the fullness of Christ, as Christ is the
fullness of the all things, we are again reminded that in His ascension, and in the capacity
of the One who fills all things, the gifts of ministry to the One Body were given."
What a different aspect this gives to ministry, to that one of "taking up the
profession"!  What an unspeakable privilege to receive the very lowest call in this
glorious order! Even the humble pastor and teacher of this church is seen to be vitally
connected with the great purpose of the ages. His ministry is a part of the great pleroma,
the all things, that which Christ is making to accomplish the glorious goal of the ages,
and to undo the works of the Devil. We can understand the apostle's allusion in 3: 7-11
the better by seeing this:--
"Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto
me by the effectual working of His power. Unto me, who am less than the least of all
saints, is this grace given, . . . . . according to the purpose of the ages . . . . ."
If every servant of God realized his stewardship like this, what a difference there
would be!
The gifts of the ascended Christ to His church may now be noted.
Inspired and as foundation.
Uninspired and subsequent.
(Mystery14, pp.86-89).