The Berean Expositor
Volume 41 - Page 246 of 246
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The position at which the record of the ages has now reached is as follows:
«--------------------"Heaven itself" which does not pass away--------------------»
"Above the heavens"
Gen. 1: 2
The Firmament
Isa. 34:
Rev. 21:
Gen. 1: 1
stretched out
New Heaven
The Ages
New Earth
and on to
The Beginning
The End
The Pleroma
Into the gap caused by the overthrow of Gen. 1: 2 is placed the present creation which
together with its temporary heaven is to pass away. This present creation, headed by
man, constitutes the first of a series of "fullnesses" that follow a series of "gaps" until we
at length arrive at Him, in Whom "all fullness dwells".
We read in Gen. 1: 28 "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth" where the
word "replenish" is the verb male, a word which as a noun is translated "fullness" in such
passages as "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" (Psa. 24: 1). The
Septuagint uses the verb pleroo to translate male in Gen. 1: 28.
Before we pass on to the next "gap" we must examine the Scriptures and endeavour to
discover where the ages begin. In the above diagram it is suggested that the ages begin
with the overthrow of Gen. 1: 2 and end with the New Creation. This inquiry therefore,
must be the subject of our next article.