The Berean Expositor
Volume 41 - Page 192 of 246
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attempt to interfere with the coming of the true seed through Sarah, and the solicitations
of Potiphar's wife.
The iniquity of the Amorite, the bending or twisting of something from its true course
is also connected with the attack upon, and the corruption of the true seed. The Amorites
being Canaanites were a people upon whom a curse had been pronounced.
To the serpent God said . . . . . "Thou art cursed above all cattle" (Gen. 3: 14).
To Cain the Lord said . . . . . "Thou art cursed more than the earth" (Gen. 4: 11).
To Canaan Noah said . . . . . "Cursed be Canaan" (Gen. 9: 25).
Contrary to common belief no curse was pronounced upon either Adam or Eve; the
ground was cursed for their sakes. The first man to be cursed was Cain, and the N.T.
declares that `he was of that wicked one', and the second was Canaan.
From these references it becomes apparent that there is a cursed line running parallel
with that of the true seed, and the subject is of such importance that we must extend our
survey, and in order to impress this terrible pedigree of the false seed upon the mind, let
us set out the testimony of the Scriptures in tabular form:
Enmity declared between the two seeds (Gen. 3: 15).
Enmity is the meaning of the name "Job", and the book of Job sets forth the conflict of
the ages and the attack of Satan upon one who was "perfect" i.e. one of the true seed
(Job 1: and 2:).
Cain was "of that wicked one" (I John 3: 12) and his line is not included in subsequent
genealogies (Gen. 5: 1; I Chron. 1: 1).
Noah was "perfect in his generations" (Gen. 6: 9) and is placed in contrast with "all
flesh" that had corrupted its way on the earth.
The sons of God (Gen. 6:; Job 1: 6) are fallen angels. These are said to have kept not
their first estate, but to have left their own habitation and are likened to Sodom, having
gone after strange flesh (Jude 6, 7).
The result of the irruption of the fallen angels was a race of abnormal men, called
"giants" or nephilim "fallen ones" (Gen. 6: 4).
There was a subsequent corruption of the race "after that", that is after the Flood
(Gen. 6: 4), and as the purpose of God was now focused upon the line of Shem, so the
attack of the evil one was concentrated upon the land promised to Abraham, "The
Canaanite was then in the land" (Gen. 12: 6).
The descendants of Canaan are named in Gen. 10: 6-19, with whom are allied Nimrod
the rebel and founder of Babylon (Gen. 10: 8-10). These descendants are Sidon, Heth,
The Jebusite, the Amorite, the Girgasite, the Hivite, the Arkite, the Sinite, the Arvadite,
the Zemarite and the Hamathite.  Some of the descendants of Canaan are not
mentioned anywhere else in the Scriptures, except once more in the genealogical table
of I Chron. 1:, and it may be that all were not contaminated. All were not `giants' as
were the Amorites.
It will be observed that there is no son of Canaan named Jebus, or Amor, or Girga.
There is a strange departure from the normal in the genealogy of Gen. 10: All we know
is that Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, and Heth, but whether the father of the
Jebusites, was a son named Jebus, or whether the father of the Amorites was a son