The Berean Expositor
Volume 41 - Page 135 of 246
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To catch the meaning of the concluding portion of Heb. 2: (verses 11 to 18), we
must first of all see it as a whole, apart from details:
A | 11. Oneness in Sanctification.
B | 14. Oneness in nature. He partook.
C | 14-16. Oneness in death and deliverance.
B | 17. Oneness in nature. He was made like.
A | 18. Oneness in temptation.
This simple balance sweeps aside the idea entertained by some that "all of one" refers
to Adam, or to God. Verse 10 speaks of two parties, "many sons" and the "Captain".
The perfecting of the Captain can only bear upon the many sons if they are united in
some way. Verse 11 says they are, both Sanctifier and sanctified, "all of one".
What therefore happens to the Captain is communicated to the host.  We must
remember the limitations imposed upon the scope of "all" by the word "sanctified". "All
of one" does not here speak of the human race although Luke traces the genealogy of
Christ back to Adam, and Paul uses the same expression (ex henos) in Acts 17: 26
when he speaks of "every nation of men". Neither does the passage speak of redemption
from sin and its penalty.  The Exodus, so far as Hebrews is concerned, is already
accomplished. The union here is with "the things which accompany salvation". The
Israelites were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea after redemption. This
oneness is limited to sanctification. We must therefore seek a true meaning for this term
before we can appreciate the teaching of this passage.
Hagiazo "to sanctify"--occurs seven times in Hebrews. It is therefore a keyword and
carries an important message:
A | a | 2: 11. He that sanctifieth. The one perfected through suffering.
b | 2: 11. They that are sanctified.
B | 9: 12-14. Blood of bulls . . . flesh.
Blood of Christ . . . conscience.
C | 10: 9, 10. The will of God The offering of The body once.
B | 10: 14. Perfected for ever (cf 10: 1) by One Offering.
A |
b | 10: 29. The blood wherewith He was sanctified.
a | 13: 12. The people sanctified by His blood, without the gate.
Sanctification is uppermost in  Heb. 1: 3  where purification for sins, and not
redemption is the aspect of truth presented. This aspect is sustained in 9: 12-14 where
the blood of goats and bulls is linked with the ashes of an heifer, which were not used as
a "ransom" or for "redemption", but for sprinkling the unclean, and results in a
sanctification, or the purifying of the flesh which had come into contact with some form