The Berean Expositor
Volume 41 - Page 118 of 246
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It might be well if we remember that enopion "In His Presence" is translated "in His
sight" in Rom. 3: 20:
"There shall be no flesh justified in His sight" (Rom. 3: 20).
The intensive form katenopion and its usage makes any boasting in the presence of
God, excepting boasting in the Lord, impossible. The word occurs but five times. Two
references deal with witness (II Cor. 2: 17; 12: 19), the remaining three with complete
and unconditional acceptance.
"According as He hath chosen us in Him, before the foundation of the world, that we
should be holy and without blame BEFORE Him" (Eph. 1: 4).
"In the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and
unreproveable in His SIGHT" (Col. 1: 22).
What more fitting conclusion to an article like this can there be than the doxology of
the epistle of Jude:
"Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless
BEFORE THE PRESENCE of His glory, with exceeding joy, TO the only wise God
our Saviour, be glory, and majesty, dominion and power both now and ever. Amen."
(Jude 24, 25).
"What Christ has been `made' unto us"
(I Cor. 1: 30; 3: 21 - 23).
pp. 218 - 220
The passage, I Cor. 1: 29-31 that is before us in these studies, is bounded by the
negative and positive aspects of `boasting'.
A | 1: 29. "That no flesh should glory in His presence." Negative.
B | 1: 30. "But of Him." What Christ is made unto us.
A | 1: 31. "He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." Positive.
We have surveyed the usage and teaching of the words kauchaomai, kauchesis and
kauchema `glorying' and now must turn our attention to the core of the matter. "What
Christ has been made unto us." The blessings that are about to be enumerated, cover the
ground of human need and Divine requirement--Righteousness and Sanctification,
Wisdom and Redemption; and not only so, but all men, all things, and all states `whether
Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to
come'. But the opening, and the closing of these two passages, taken together sound the
next important note.
"Of Him" The origin "In Christ Jesus" The Mediator (I Cor. 1: 30).
"Ye are Christ's" The Mediator "Christ is God's" The origin (I Cor. 3: 23).