The Berean Expositor
Volume 41 - Page 84 of 246
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Newness of life is the blessed fruit of redemption by blood. We may more carefully
consider the further teaching of Exod. 12: in another paper; but the truth of the
"beginning of months to you" should be no strange doctrine to any of our readers.
"A lamb", "The lamb", "Your lamb", such is the suggestive progression in verses 3, 4
and 5, as they speak of the shadow and type of the Lamb of God. Surely in every heart
there is the prayer that Christ shall become increasingly the great central and personal
factor. Though from A Saviour, we may have passed to The Saviour, we cannot have rest
until we can also say My Saviour.
"The whole congregation of Israel shall kill IT" (Exod. 12: 6). So merges the type,
the many lambs, into one "it", the one great Passover of God.
"Your lamb shall be without blemish" (Exod. 12: 5).
The Law in Leviticus is most particular, descending to minute details, that the holiness
and perfection of the great Antitype should ever before the mind of the faithful:
"Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a wen, or scurvy, or scabbed . . . . . that which
is bruised, or crushed, or broken, or cut" (Lev. 22: 22-24).
All such must be set aside.
"Whatsoever hath a blemish, that shall ye not offer for it shall not be acceptable for
you . . . . . IT SHALL BE PERFECT TO BE ACCEPTED" (Lev. 22: 19-21).
The Lamb was to be taken on the tenth day of the month, and sacrificed on the
fourteenth. This would give time and opportunity for careful inspection.  Luke 23:
contains the findings of those who examined the true Lamb of God, a seven-fold witness
to His perfect character:
(1) Pilate
"I find no fault in this man."
"I have found no fault in this man."
(2) Herod
"No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him, and lo,
nothing worthy of death is done unto Him."
(3) Pilate
"What evil hath He done? I have found no cause of death in
(4) The Malefactor
"We receive the due rewards of our deeds, but this man
hath done nothing amiss."
(5) The Centurion
"Glorified God saying, Certainly this was a righteous man."
Matt. 27: adds further evidence:
(6) Judas
"I have betrayed innocent blood."
(7) Pilate's Wife
"Have thou nothing to do with that just man."
Scripture everywhere teaches and assumes the holiness and spotless sinlessness of
Christ, the Lamb of God. If doctrine necessitates the tremendous statement that Christ