The Berean Expositor
Volume 41 - Page 67 of 246
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generations given in Gen. 10: and 11: Nimrod was therefore the next great satanic attack
upon that purpose, and from its first mention in Genesis, until its final mention in
Revelation, Babel or Babylon has been the seat of all the rebellion and opposition to the
Divine purpose throughout the world. Babylon is called "The Mother of . . . . . all
abominations" (Rev. 17: 5).
Before we proceed to the more detailed account of the origin of the name Babel, as
given in Gen. 11:, we will endeavour to show how the great rebel has been foisted upon
mankind in the endeavour of Satan to usurp the glory and the kingdom of the Son of God.
Bunsen states that the religious system of Egypt was derived from `the primitive empire
of Babel'. Birch, dealing with the Babylonian cylinders, is quoted by Layard as saying,
"The Zodiacal signs . . . . . show unequivocally that the Greeks derived their notions and
arrangements of the zodiac (and consequently their mythology, that was intertwined with
it), from the Chaldees". Ouvaroff in his work on the Eleusinian mysteries states that
these mysteries were transplanted from Egypt, which in turn received them from the East,
`the centre of science and civilization'. Not only did Egypt and Greece derive their
religion from Babylon, but so also did the Phoenicians, so Macrobius says in his
Saturnalia; and wherever man is found and religion is professed, beneath the superficial
differences of names and ritual lies the one great primitive lie originated at Babylon and
linked with Nimrod.
Egypt, under the titles Isis and Osiris; India under the title Isi and Iswara; Asia as
Cybele and Deoius; Pagan Rome as Fortuna and Jupiter-puer (the boy Jupiter); Greece
as Ceres, the great Mother with the babe at her breast; China as Shing Moo with her
child in her arms; the Papal Rome as the Madonna and child, all these and many more
are the result of the original idolatry set up at Babylon to turn the minds of men away
from the first promise of the true Seed of the woman to Satan's counterfeit.  The
Babylonians worshiped Semiramis under the name of the great Goddess Mother, and it
was from her son that she derived all her glory and claim to deity. By a strange process
the husband of Semiramis came to be worshipped as the seed (her son), and that son and
husband was NIMROD himself. Babylon, both in Old and New Testaments, stands
forward as the great symbol of Anti-God, even as Nimrod usurps all the titles and
prerogatives of Christ. (For fuller details as to these titles, the reader is referred to that
master-work, The Two Babylons by Hislop).
Let us now trace the story of Babylon to see its place in the order of things. Babylon
does not come into the page of Scripture (after the two references of Gen. 10: and 11:),
until the time of Israel's deposition draws near. God's king, David, and God's city,
Jerusalem, had been chosen, but until David's greater Son should reign the purpose of
God must flow in other channels. Universal sovereignty goes by Divine appointment to
Babylon, to be retained in Gentile succession until Babylon and Babylonianism should be
destroyed. Read Daniel for this.  Isa. 13: contains `the burden of Babylon', "And
Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when
God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah".  In chapter 14: 4, the king of Babylon is
addressed, and what is said is prophetic of the future antichrist who said, "I will be like
the Most High". Again, in `the burden of the desert of the sea', comes the words,