The Berean Expositor
Volume 41 - Page 65 of 246
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Man made in the image of God to have
"And God blessed Noah and his sons,
"dominion over the fish of the sea, and
and said unto them, Be fruitful, and
over the fowl of the air, and over the
multiply, and replenish the earth, and the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over
fear of you and the dread of you shall be
creeping thing that creepeth upon the
upon every beast of the earth, and upon
earth . . . . . and God blessed them, and
every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth
God said unto them, Be fruitful and
upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of
multiply, and replenish the earth and
the sea, into your hand are they
subdue it" (Gen. 1: 26-28).
delivered." "In the image of God made
He man" (Gen. 9: 1, 2, 6).
The seventh day rest (Gen. 2: 1-3).
Gen. 7: 5) is a sabbath.
Companion Bible note: The Ark
rested in the seventeenth day of the
month which was a Sabbath (8: 4).
Adam has three sons, Cain, Abel
Noah has three sons, Shem, Ham
and Seth (Gen. 4: 1, 2, 25).
and Japheth (Gen. 5: 32).
One Son, Cain, is cursed more than the
One Son, Ham, the father of Canaan,
earth, and becomes a fugitive and a
is cursed, even though God had promised
vagabond (4: 12).
not to curse the ground any more, and
Canaan becomes a servant of servants
(9: 25; 8: 21).
God will require the life blood from
God curses Cain for shedding
every beast and man, but now delegates
his brother's blood but does not
the execution of judgment to man
himself. "Whoso sheddeth man's blood,
sanction vengeance by human
by man shall his blood be shed"
hands (Gen. 4: 10-15).
(Gen. 9: 5, 6).
The Lord sets a `mark' (oth) to
The Lord sets a bow in the cloud
protect Cain (Gen. 4: 15).
for a `token' (oth) to assure all flesh
(Gen. 9: 13).
God planted a garden (Gen. 2: 8).
Noah planted a garden (Gen. 9: 20).
Nakedness and shame are linked
Nakedness and shame are linked
together in connection with Adam
together in connection with Noah
(Gen. 3: 10, 11).
(Gen. 9: 21-24).
The fruit of the tree, and the fig
The  wine,  and  the  vineyard
(Gen. 2: 8; 3: 6, 7, 10).
(Gen. 9: 20-23).
The redemption of both man and
The redemption of both man and
his lost dominion is symbolized by
his lost dominion is symbolized by
the cherubim (Gen. 3: 24).
the animals preserved alive in the ark
(Gen. 6: 13-16; 8: 1, 17-19).
The serpent beguiled the woman and
The sons of God by their actions
brought about the curse (Gen. 3: 24;
towards the daughters of men, bring about
II Cor. 11: 3).
the Flood (Gen. 6: 1-4).
All the days of Adam were 930 years
All the days of Noah were 950 years
(Gen. 5: 5).
(Gen. 9: 29).
Many other details could doubtless be collected, and many instructive lessons be
learned from the changes introduced into the new dispensation. We trust that sufficient
has been given above to stimulate the reader to individual effort.