The Berean Expositor
Volume 40 - Page 211 of 254
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The Apostle in Rom. 2:, speaks of a day when God will judge the secrets of men by
Jesus Christ according to what he calls "My gospel" (Rom. 2: 16). This is the only
passage in Scripture so far as we know, where judgment is to proceed according to a
Gospel--usually these two concepts are kept apart. A judgment that is according to a
gospel, must differ essentially from a judgment according to law. To appreciate this
passage in Rom. 2:, the whole chapter and the complete structure needs examination,
together with the purpose of its introduction into the epistle at all. We quote a few
passages from the book Just and the Justifier and trust that where any obscurity may still
exist that a fuller examination, both of that book and of the epistle itself will be the result.
"Paul has before him the object of removing every false foundation for justification
before God, and one of the most difficult features of opposition that he had to break down
was the pride and prejudice of the Jew.  In chapter 9: Paul volunteers a statement
testifying to Israel's position in the purpose of God, and the passage in Eph. 2: 11, 12
reveals the contrast between the standing of Israel `after the flesh', and of the Gentiles
`after the flesh'. Justification before God, however, finds no ground to rest on before
God `according to the flesh' (Rom. 4: 1, 2), and when the advantage and profit of being a
Jew and of the circumcision is pressed out of the sphere of the flesh into the sphere of the
spirit, the Apostle reveals that such distinction ceases to exist, and to rest upon it is to
remain under judgment. We will now present the whole structure, including the parts
omitted, that we may have the benefit of the whole argument before us.
Romans 2: 1 - 3: 9
A | 2: 1. | a | Krino--Inexcusable, whoever judges.
b | Krino--Judging another condemns self.
c | Krino--The one judging practices same things.
B | 2: 2. Krima--Judgment of God according to truth.
C | 2: 3-25. |
D | 2: 3. | d | Logizomai--False reckoning.
e | Pratto--Judging those who practice evil.
E | 2: 9-14. | f | Iuodaioi--Tribulation for Jew and Greek.
g | Iuodaioi--Glory for Jew and Greek.
h | Phusis--Have not the law by nature.
F | 2: 15, 16.  |
i | Kardia--Work of law in hearts.
j | Kruptos--The secrets of men.
G | 2: 17-25. Opheleo--Profit of circumcision.
C | 2: 25 - 3: 1. |
D | 2: 25-27. |
e | Pratto--Profit if practice the law.
d | Logizomai--True reckoning.
E | 2: 27-29. |
h | Phusis--Uncircumcision by nature.
g | Iuodaioi--Ture Jew not outward.
f | Iuodaioi--True Jew hidden man.
F | 2: 29.  |
j | Kruptos--Secrets man within.
i | Kardia--Circumcision of the heart.
G | 3: 1. Opheleia--Profit of circumcision.
A | 3: 4-7. | a | Krino--God will overcome when judged.
b | Krino--God is not unrighteous when judging the world.
c | Krino--God judges sin, though he overrules if for good.
B | 3: 8, 9. Krima--Judgment of God is just.