The Berean Expositor
Volume 40 - Page 2 of 254
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This is Volume XL, and it completes fifty-one years of witness.
We think of two words, as we record this fact, they are "Ebenezer"
and "henceforth".
Ebenezer, as we all know, refers in the first place to a stone
memorial erected to commemorate some signal deliverance, and is
actually engraved on the famous Moabite Stone. In Scripture we
"Then Samuel took a stone, and . . . . . called the name of it
Eben-ezer, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us."
We not only look back over the years with grateful recognition
of past deliverances, but
"His love in times past
Forbids us to think,
He'll leave us at last
In trouble to sink.
Each fresh Ebenezer, He brings to review
Confirms His good pleasure to help us right through."
In the confidence that past grace begets, we go forward with the
witness entrusted to us, and pray that all our readers will more
abundantly share the hazards and the triumphs that are inseparable
from such a work as is represented by The Berean Expositor.
Yours by All-sufficient grace,
November 1960.