The Berean Expositor
Volume 39 - Page 222 of 234
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number of prophetic students believed that Napoleon was the man of sin. More recently
Mussolini has been named. There may be many more, but at the end, Satan will be
prepared with his man, "in his estate"; the man and the moment will adhere.
It would appear from Dan. 11: that towards the time of the end, and arising out of
either Syria or Egypt, there will be several very marked anticipations of the man of sin.
The description of the first abortive attempt is given in Dan. 11: 7-19, where we read of
war between the kings of the north and south, and of an unsuccessful attempt to make
Judaea independent, and so to "establish the vision". The words, "the robbers of thy
people" (Dan. 11: 14) may mean "the violent ones among thy people". These would be
revolutionists who would league themselves with an apostate power to gain their own
ends. They shall fail, however, for God alone is able to restore Israel to their land.
While Babylon and Nineveh have passed away, Egypt, Greece and Persia remain to
this day, and it is from among these kingdoms that the last great oppressor shall arise.
Time would fail us in the attempt to deal with the details of this chapter, but perhaps
the following analysis may be of help.
Main features of the future.
Daniel 11: 5.
A prince originating in Egypt possesses a great dominion. When this development in
the near east takes shape--"Know that summer is nigh."
Daniel 11: 6.
A marriage alliance between Egypt and Syria for the purpose of making "an
agreement" proves a failure.
Daniel 11: 7-19.
Conflicts between these two kingdoms will result in dire trouble in the "glorious land,
which by his hand shall be consumed" (11: 16) and end in a "staggering" defeat (11: 19).
Daniel 11: 20.
Satan's attempt proving abortive, "in his estate" a raiser of taxes arises, who shall
exact heavy tribute from Israel and the land of Palestine. His end shall be sudden and
mysterious: "within a few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle."
Daniel 11: 21-35.
Still undismayed, Satan causes to stand up "in his estate" one who is described as a
"vile person". This one, instead of devastating the land, "comes in peaceably", and
"obtains the kingdom by flatteries". "After the league made with him he shall work
deceitfully with a small people; he shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places."
After stirring up strife against the king of the south, and apparently involving more than
one king (11: 27), he returns to his land with great riches, and at length manifests his true