The Berean Expositor
Volume 39 - Page 220 of 234
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himself in his heart; and by peace shall destroy many: he shall stand up against the
Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."
It will be seen that in Dan. 8: no record is given of the history that intervenes
between the break-up of the kingdom of Alexander and the advent of the antichristian
king.  This has an important bearing upon the interpretation of Dan. 11:, for the
prophecies concerning the kings of the south and north in  11: 10-20  are usually
interpreted as being fulfilled in the doings of Ptolemy I, II, III, IV, V and VI, of
Seleucus I, II, III and IV, and of Antiochus II, III and 4:  Instead of commencing
future prophecy at 11: 21, however, we follow the lead of Dan. 8: 23 and the explicit
statement of Dan. 10: 14 (viz., that the revelation of Dan. 11: and 12: concerns Israel "in
the latter days"), and commence the prophetic and future section of Dan. 11: at verse 5,
seeing in the activities of Ptolemy and Antiochus foreshadowings only and not
fulfillments of the earlier verses.
Before proceeding further, it will be helpful to see the whole prophecy set out before
us. The subject-matter is, of course, too vast and too involved for us to attempt to include
every member, or to account for every detail. All we can do is to point out the most
obvious features, leaving the reader the difficult but joyous task of seeking fuller details
for himself.
Daniel 11: 3 - 12: 3.
A1 | 11: 3. A king. He shall do according to his will.
B1 | 11: 6. The king's daughter.
C1 | 11: 7-10. In his estate.
D1 | 11: 14. They shall fall.
A2 | 11: 16. A king. He shall do according to his will.
B2 | 11: 17. The daughter of women.
C2 | 11: 20. In his estate.
D2 | 11: 35. Some shall fall.
E | 11: 21-34. The vile Person.--In his estate.
a | 21. Flattery.
b | 22-32. | c1 | Heart against holy covenant.
d1 | He shall do (exploits).
c2  | Indignation against holy covenant.
d2 | So shall he do.
c3  | Forsake the holy covenant.
d3 | Place the abomination.
c4  | Against the holy covenant.
d4 | They shall do (exploits).
a | 33, 34. Flatteries.
A3 | 11: 36. A king. He shall do according to his will.
B3 | 11: 37. The desire of women.
C3 | 11: 38. In his estate.
D3 | 12: 1-3. Many shall awake.
We have only to look at this outline to perceive the unity of the prophecy, despite its
involved character. At the time of the end there shall be a king who shall do according to