The Berean Expositor
Volume 39 - Page 2 of 234
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It is with sincere gratitude that we write this Foreword, as
it completes the forty-ninth year of the Berean Expositor.
While the actual subject matter is still the work of the
Editor, it has become increasingly evident that the expansion
of our witness called for helpers in many departments.
In addition to the most valuable work done by our
Honorary Secretary,  Mr. George T. Foster,  by our
Publication Secretary, Mr. Leonard A. Canning, and by our
Assistant Editor, Mr. Stuart Allen, willing helpers have
come forward to check MSS, to read proofs, to type the MSS
ready for print, to address envelopes, to keep stock and to do
the numberless jobs that must be done behind the scenes
without recognition, except in the knowledge that in so doing
such are serving the Lord Christ.
As fellow-members "In the measure of every part", every
one according to "The measure of the gift of Christ" play
their role as "Joints of supply" (Eph. 4: 1-16), and for this
practical outworking of our high calling, all who value the
testimony of the Berean Expositor must be thankful.
My fellow-Trustees commend this volume of Expository
Truth both to the Lord and to His people.
Yours by grace,