| The Berean Expositor Volume 38 - Page 239 of 249 Index | Zoom | |
Paul never failed of this promise. Every epistle that he wrote concludes with a
salutation that contains the word "grace be with you". This salutation is found at the
close of Hebrews, but is not found at the close of the epistles of either James, Peter, Jude
or John.
Inspiration does not make a man like Paul write meaningless platitudes. Those words
"the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you" are characteristic of the apostle and his
own personal desires. He can wish nothing better to either a church, a minister or a
fellow believer, and so on this note:
"Grace be with you. Amen,"
the apostle of grace lays down both his pen, his sword and his life, to await that day when
grace shall give place to glory, and he and we shall be for ever with the Lord.