The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 235 of 249
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There was still an amount of important matter to be considered as the apostle drew
near to the conclusion of his life's work.  The next to be mentioned by name is
Alexander, who did Paul much evil. But let us leave the apostle with his beloved friend
Luke to solace and cheer, eagerly expecting the coming of his son Timothy and of Mark,
with Tychicus already on his way to Ephesus to fill the breach.
The sands of time are sinking, but the last word has not yet been said, let us therefore
devote one more article at least to these precious moments, before we say "Hail and
farewell" to one of the noblest servants that ever followed Christ.
Hail and Farewell (4: 19 - 22).
pp. 74 - 78
It is fitting that the dispensation which opened so far as its inspired literature is
concerned, with the words "Blessed be God" (Eph. 1: 3), should end with the doxology
with which preceding study closed (II Tim. 4: 18).
This epistle, however, is not the only one where the heart of the apostle as it were
overflows and compels him to add to his "last" word. The reader will remember that in
Philippians the apostle said "finally" twice, and that in Romans, there is a doxology in
chapters 1: 25, 9: 5, 11: 36, and that he appears to come to a conclusion twice before
actually doing so (Rom. 15: 33, 16: 20 and 27). Ephesians pronounces a doxology in
the middle of the epistle (3: 21), and Philippians ends in much the same way as does
II Timothy, for after the doxology of Phil. 4: 20, the apostle sends his salutations and
benedictions to every saint in Christ Jesus (4: 21-22). Paul was a man of thanksgiving,
every epistle except that to the Galatians contain the words eucharisteo, echo charin,
eucharistos, eucharistia or charis, 45 references in all. Paul had "endured to the end",
and a thankful spirit was no small contribution to his success. Even on the lower plane of
life, it is true that:
"A merry heart goes all the day,
Your sad tires in a mile-a."
Not only was Paul a man who gave thanks on every possible occasion, he was a man
who loved those who had been given into his charge, so that they were in his mind and
heart, night and day. For some of us it would have been impossible to step down from
the heights of II Tim. 4: 18, to think of sending greetings to a few believers, but it is the
very essence of the apostle's conception of grace that he could and did mingle the
sublime with the homely. It would, we believe, have been a cause of great grief to him,
had he forgotten the simple salutation to "Prisca and Aquila". They had come into his
life when he first set foot in Corinth (Acts 18: 2) and their home had provided not only
a shelter for the apostle himself, but an opportunity to earn a meager livelihood "with his
own hands", and so maintain that independence which he perceived was essential in his