The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 196 of 249
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of the Mystery made demands that put the question of the Millennium on the shelf.
Recent suggestions have prompted us to the present analysis.
Two challenging items must conclude this survey.
Whose Works Will be Judged?
(1) At the Great White Throne there will be a judgment of WORKS. If those judged
are the wicked dead, why differentiate between sins and works? Commentators seem to
be unanimous that this judgment refers to the teeming millions of unevangelized heathen.
But, seeing that Rev. 2: 11 and 3: 5 and 20: 6 tie the whole of the Apocalypse
together and must not exclude 20: 12-15, and seeing that "works" are definitely a
subject of "judgment" in Rev. 2: 2, 5, 9, 13, 19, 26; 3: 1, 2, 8, 15 and the rewards of
these same chapters all point forward to the same closing scenes of the Apocalypse, does
it not cry out for recognition that "the works" of Rev. 20: 12, 13 are NOT the works of
the unevangelized millions but of those who could not be included in the FORMER
resurrection of the overcomers, both characters being found in the seven churches?
(2) Again, the Book of Life is defined in Rev. 21: 27 as "The Lamb's book of life",
even as it is in Rev. 13: 8 in direct reference to the worship of the Beast. Heb. 12: 23
will help us here.  Heb. 12: 5-7 deals with sons, the theme of Heb. 12: 18-29 is the
especial blessing of the "firstborn" in connection with "Mount Sion . . . . . the heavenly
Jerusalem". The names of those firstborn are "WRITTEN IN HEAVEN" and the threat
or the exemption concerning the "blotting out of the name from the book of life" has
reference to those who during the three years and a half of the great tribulation, become
either "overcomers" or wait for the resurrection at the Great White Throne.
We particularly ask every reader--Do you, or will you START all your investigations
of this great subject of prophecy with the key passage--Rev. 20: 1-10?  Dr. Bullinger
used to say "Some use the Scriptures as a BUTTRESS, to support their convictions.
Others go to the Scriptures as a BUCKET let down into the well of truth, and come up
full of the water of life". Which kind are you? We had thought to head this article
"Beyond the Millennial Reign" but we have done little else than clear away some of the
accumulated rubbish that has prevented genuine building (Neh. 3: 1-32; 4: 10). We
doubt not but that we shall have to build not only with trowel, but as Nehemiah did with a
sword near at hand (Neh. 4: 18) but it will be a well worth fight (II Tim. 4: 7). The ages
that follow the thousand years must be the theme of future studies.
The following study may help us to recognize the place that the overcomer plays in
Readers overseas may be pardoned for thinking of London as one great city, but in
reality there are two Londons. The one a square mile, with place names still indicating
the gates of the city, such as Bishop's Gate, Aldgate, Cripplegate, etc. and odd remnants
of the old city wall. This is "The city of London" with its ancient history, its city police,