The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 181 of 249
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This unnumbered host with antichristian intent go up "on the breadth of the earth" and
even though this should be limited to the "land" of Palestine the implication is obviously
the same as in Isa. 8: 8 and Hab. 1: 8 where the overwhelming nature of the invasion
is thereby depicted.
No rhapsody, no poetic phrase, no private interpretation, no wishful thinking can alter
the fact, that the "Millennial Reign" ends, as it began with a terrible rebellion. The
Millennium is not the FIRST of a new series, but the LAST of an old one, in which man
has been tested under different forms of government, and in every case been found
wanting. This Millennial kingdom is the LAST OF DELEGATED authority. David may
have reigned on earth as vice-regent, the twelve apostles may have sat on twelve thrones
judging the twelve tribes of Israel, the overcomers may have reigned as priests of God
and of Christ, but all in vain. Christ must put down ALL authority, whether good or bad,
and reign alone and supreme if ever the goal of the ages is to be reached.
Characteristic Features
We turn our attention for the moment to a series of features that characterize the
Millennium, this closing period of man's probation.
The restraining of Satan.
The restraining of transgression.
The sealing up of sin.
The rule of a rod of iron.
The willing obedience of Israel.
The feigned obedience of many of the nations.
The final weeks of the seventy weeks of Dan. 9: immediately precede the
thousand year reign, and carry into that period the blessings indicated in verse 24. The
first thing that will be accomplished when the Seventy Weeks attain their goal is said to
be "to finish the transgression" (Dan. 9: 24). This translation, however, leaves much to
be explained. Will transgression be "finished" in the sense that it is so completely
accounted for by Atonement and Forgiveness, that it will never again raise its head?
(Heb. kalah). Will transgression be "finished" in the sense of the Hebrew word shalam?
The answer is no, the Hebrew word being kala, which though it resembles the Hebrew
kalah must not be confounded with it. Kala is translated as follows :
Forbid 1,  keep 1,  keep back 1,  refrain 2,  retain 1,
shut up 4,
withhold 2,
be stayed 2, be restrained 2, be stayed 1, and finish 1.
This is not mere opinion, but evidence and evidence which cannot be neglected or
denied without spiritual disaster. Be it noted, that the only reference in the A.V. that
contains the translation "finish" is Dan. 9: 24, which the margin corrects by saying "or
restrain". The word is used of the imprisonment of Zedekiah and of Jeremiah and the
noun forms kele, and beth kele are translated "prison". Dan. 9: does not teach us that
when that prophecy is fulfilled transgression will be "finished", it will be RESTRAINED