The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 159 of 249
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B. W. Newton goes on to give clear and uncompromising testimony to the failure of
the Preterite system of Prophecy, in which so much that is really future is interpreted of
the past, and with this, we are in complete agreement, but his conviction now to be cited,
that there is a threefold division of time in Israel's history, pointed so clearly to the
present dispensation of the Mystery, that one is still left amazed and distressed that eyes
so touched by the spirit of grace should not have seen the open door, and have entered
into all the blessings that are revealed in the great Epistle of the Mystery, Ephesians. We
quote again from B. W. Newton:
I observed also, that the history of Israel during the time of their punishment and
subjection to the Gentiles is distributed into three distinct divisions: the first extending
from Nebuchadnezzar to their dispersion by Romans, the second being the present Period
of their dispersion, the third, the yet future period of their natural re-establishment in
unbelief;  so, the prophetic visions of Daniel are to be divided into three parts,
corresponding to these three periods. But I observed this likewise, that when the first of
these periods terminated, historic detail terminated. As soon as the dispersion of Israel
was effected, and they ceased to have a recognized national existence in their land, there
is a pause in the historic detail of Daniel--no person, no place, no date is mentioned
during the present period of dispersion. But when the third period of their unbelieving
history commences, when they again have returned in unbelief to their own land, then the
historic detail of Daniel re-commences, and is given even with greater emphasis than
before. So entirely is Gentile history made in the Scripture to revolve around Jerusalem
as its centre. Whilst Jerusalem nationally exists, the history of the nations that are
brought into connexion with it is given; but when Jerusalem ceases to exist nationally,
the history of the Gentiles in Scripture ceases too.
We are in the interval, the period of dispersion, now.  It will terminate when
Jerusalem is nationally reconstituted. (Watching and Waiting, March-April 1953)."
Look at the words "no person, no place, no date is mentioned during the present
period of dispersion". These words cry aloud that Dispensational Truth demands during
the period of Israel's blindness which commenced at Acts 28: 23-31, that no O.T.
Prophecy is being fulfilled. Matt. 24: also must belong, not to the present calling of
the Mystery, but to the "third period" when the "historic detail of Daniel recommences";
that a new revelation, with a new sphere, constitution and hope must be given by God if
any Gentile is to be saved and blessing during the setting aside of the hitherto exclusive
channel of blessing--Israel. Accepting B. W. Newton's view and taking it to its logical
conclusion, we have the following threefold division of Israel's history:
From Nebuchadnezzar
"There is a pause."
Unbelieving history commences,
to Dispersion by the
Here comes the dispensation
Romans, 70A.D., a few
of the Mystery, a parenthesis,
years after Acts 28:
Dan. 9:  in intimately linked
with Matt. 24: (Matt. 24: 15)
From  Acts 28:  to the
and so completely disassociated
resumption of prophecy.
from the Second Division.