The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 157 of 249
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towards which the Lord, through Moses, was leading His people. Alas! while Caleb and
Joshua testified to the goodness of the land, and to the faithfulness and power of the Lord
to fulfil His promise and give them the land for their inheritance, the ten spies intimidated
the people by their report concerning the giants, the sons of Anak, so that the faithful two
were threatened with stoning for their pains.
In this booklet we too are bringing as it were "a cluster" from Eshcol even at the risk
of being as badly treated for our pains as were Caleb and Joshua. The country which we
have searched and on which we report is represented by the epistle to the Ephesians, and
in the history of the Church, Israel's defection has been, alas, only too faithfully copied to
its loss. Paul, like the faithful spies, was forsaken at the close of his life. "All in Asia"
turned away from him; the precious revelation of the truth of Mystery which it was his
glory to make known was discounted, and so completely was his testimony rejected that
no vestige of it is discernible in the writings of the "Fathers" who go back to the early
portion of Acts, and wandered in their wilderness, even as Israel did in theirs. Should the
reader not quite appreciate this analogy, we suggest that the earlier booklets of this series
be consulted, namely "The Dispensational Frontier, Acts 28: 23-31" and "Who then
is Paul?" otherwise we shall have to occupy much of our limited space in going over
ground already covered.
We have however prepared a pamphlet pointing out that leading men among the early
"Brethren" saw the distinction between the calling of the church formed during the Acts
and that of the church called afterwards, and before producing some of the high glories of
the Ephesian epistle, called by us "The Grapes of Eshcol" in reference to this halt and
withdrawal at our spiritual "Kadesh-barnea" we will reproduce that pamphlet here, in the
hope that some may be led to deprecate the attitude that not only refuses to go on into the
high calling of the Mystery, but which threatens to "stone" those who would emulate the
simple trust of Caleb and Joshua.
An appeal, addressed to readers of the writings of B. W. Newton and
100: H. Macintosh, concerning the unique character of the dispensation of
the Mystery and of Acts 28: as a dispensational frontier.
In 1907 and 1908, J. J. B. Coles wrote a series of articles in "Things to Come"
under the Editorship of Dr. E. W. Bullinger, entitled KADESH BARNEA, in which he
saw in the timidity of many believers, when faced with the teaching of Eph. 3: 1-13 and
Col. 1: 24-28, and the unpleasant consequences of accepting that claim of the Apostle to
have received a dispensation for the Gentiles, a repetition of the attitude of the ten spies
who said "we be not able to go up" (Numb. 13: 31). While literal "stoning with stones"
(Numb. 14: 10) has not been resorted to by Christians who condemn our insistence upon
Acts 28: as a dispensational frontier, the spiritual equivalent alas, has not been
unknown in the past, can still be sensed in the present and will possibly be intensified in
the future, if we do not misinterpret certain signs. It is not our custom to quote the
opinions of others, or to cite their teaching, whether it be for or against our own, but to
occupy our time, strength and resources in giving positive teaching, leaving the
vindication of our witness or its refutation to the Saviour Whom alone we recognize as
"Master and Lord". However, in this leaflet, we are making some quotations from the