The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 152 of 249
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injunction "comparing spiritual things with spiritual". In this present study the key word
is the word "witness", and our contention is that every dispensational change is
introduced, or accompanied by an accredited witness. We are not left to our own
searchings or deductions, we find witnesses at intervals along the way, who declare in the
name of Him that sent them that this or that change has taken place. If this be so, then we
should spare no pains to become acquainted with so important a feature in the unfolding
of the divine purpose.
The first thing that we must do is to discover who, and what are called "witnesses" in
the New Testament and, in order to avoid cumbering ourselves with unwanted material,
we shall ignore references to "false witnesses" or those witnesses referred to who have no
bearing upon the subject in hand.
JOHN THE BAPTIST. "The same came for a witness" (John 1: 7).
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.  "I am one that bear witness of Myself"
(John 8: 18).
(a)  The Father bears witness of Christ.
"The Father that sent Me beareth witness" (John 8: 18).
The Holy Spirit's witness of Christ.
"He shall testify of Me" (John 15: 26).
The Scriptures bear witness of Christ.
"They are they which testify of Me" (John 5: 39).
(a)  To Christ.
"The works that I do, bear witness of Me" (John 5: 36).
To apostles.
"God also bearing them witness . . . . . with signs" (Heb. 2: 4)
PETER and THE TWELVE. "Ye shall be witnesses unto Me" (Acts 1: 8)
(a)  Paul, before Acts 28:  "His witness unto all men of what thou
hast seen and heard' (Acts 22: 15).
(b)  Paul both before and after Acts 28:  "A witness both of these
things which thou hast seen and of those things in the which I
will appear" (Acts 26: 16).
(c)  Paul after Acts 28:  "The testimony of our Lord nor of me His
prisoner" (II Tim. 1: 8).
It is written of John the Baptist "John did no miracle" (John 10: 41), and there is neither
sign, wonder nor miracle recorded of the apostle Paul after the change of dispensation
which took place at Acts 28:  We therefore distribute the witnesses in the New
Testament as follows:
A | John the Baptist. No miracle.
B | Christ, and His apostles until Acts 28:
Sign, wonder and miracle.
A | Paul the Prisoner. No miracle.