The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 78 of 249
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Structure and Argument of the Section (2: 21 - 3: 7).
pp. 67 - 69
The structure of the epistle to the Galatians reveals a large member covering
2: 15 - 4: 12, of which the present smaller section 2: 21 - 3: 7 now falls to be
In the structure of 2: 15 - 4: 12 this section is found to be in correspondence with
another, and this we will lift out and display here:
B | 2: 21 - 3: 7. | d | Atheteo. Frustrate.
e | Ei gar. For if righteousness come by law.
B | 3: 15-21. |
d | Atheteo. Disannul.
e | Ei gar. For if law could give life.
While the second member 3: 15-21 must be considered together with its context in
the orderly exposition of the epistle, it is important to observe this recurring note. The
apostle is keenly aware of the objections that would be made against the free salvation
which he preached and taught, objections that found an expression in the accusation
against Stephen (Acts 6: 13, 14), and later were to be laid to the apostle's account also
(Acts 21: 21). Neither the grace of God, nor the promise of God can be frustrated or
disannulled, neither can the law provide righteousness nor life. Let us therefore with
these points or correspondence in mind return to the section 2: 21 - 3: 7 to acquaint
ourselves more intimately with its teaching. Before we attempt any detailed examination
of this section, let us note the structural outline.
A | 2: 21. Righteousness not by law. |
a | Frustrate.
b | Grace.
b | Righteousness.
a | In Vain.
B | 3: 1-5. | c1 | y | Foolish.
z | Received ye the spirit.
d1 | By works of law.
e1 | Or by hearing of faith.
c | Foolish.
d | Begun in spirit.
e | Perfected in flesh.
c2 | y | In vain.
z | Ministry of the spirit.
d2 | By works of law.
e2 | Or by hearing of faith.
A | 3: 6, 7. Righteousness comes by faith. |
a | Abraham.
b | Righteousness.
b | Children.
a | Abraham.