The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 70 of 249
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Fundamentals of Dispensational Truth.
(Second Series).
The argument for faith without works (2: 15 - 20).
pp. 17 - 20
Having seen the structure of Gal. 2: 15 - 4: 12 as a whole, we return to the personal
testimony of Paul, which he made at Antioch and recorded in Gal. 2: 15-20.
It will be necessary to examine with some care both the terms and the arguments
which the Apostle used, for in this most personal testimony is enshrined the "Truth of the
Gospel", together with the question of the Apostle's own personal integrity which was so
much at stake in those early days of witness. First of all let us consider the general
outline of the subject.
A | 15. Not sinners of the Gentiles.
B | 16-17. | a | "Knowing." Justification by faith asserted.
b | "Believed." Justification by faith. Gospel.
a | "For." Justification by faith confirmed by O.T.
b | "While." Justification by faith sought.
A | 17. We ourselves are found sinners.
B | 17-20. | Peter's action. |
a | Is Christ minister of sin?
b | God forbid.
b | If build again.
a | I make myself transgressor.
Paul's testimony. |
c | I, through law, to law died.
d | Dead to law.
e | Live unto God.
c | I, crucified with Christ.
d | Christ liveth in me.
e | I live by faith of Son of God.
The Apostle approaches his argument by way of privilege. He contrasts "Jews by
nature" with "sinners of the Gentiles".
Israel were called "the natural branches" of the Olive, and the inclusion of the
Gentile was compared to a grafting a tree wild "by nature" and "contrary to nature"
(Rom. 11: 21, 24).  The Gentile is referred to as having "not the law by nature"
(Rom. 2: 14), and as "the uncircumcision by nature" (2: 27).