The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 28 of 249
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The Throne Room (1: 19 - 2: 7).
"Mighty power inwrought" (1: 19).
pp. 141 - 144
We have now followed our guide through the Muniment Room (articles Nos.6-28) and
the Chapel of Acknowledgment (articles Nos.29-34). We now enter "The Throne Room"
where the high exaltation of the Saviour, together with the exaltation of the members of
His Body, is to occupy our wondering attention.  Our first concern is the inspired
disposition of the subject matter which is revealed by the structure, this being the
exhibition of the essential features of the passage which are thrown into prominence by
the correspondence of part with part.
Eph. 1: 19 - 2: 7.
A | a | 19. Energy (energeia, energeo) Mighty power.
b | 20. Wrought in Christ.
B | 20. Raised HIM - - - Heavenly places.
20. Seated HIM - - - Age to come.
22, 23. Gave HIM.
C | 23. The Church. Body and Fullness.
A | a | 2: 1, 2. Energy (energeo). Prince of power.
b | 2: 3. Wrought in sons of disobedience.
B | 2: 4, 5. Quickened US.
2: 6. Raised US - - - Heavenly places.
2: 6, 7. Seated US - - - Ages to come.
Before we take note of the terms "working", "power" and the like, let us not fail to
observe one essential feature. We read a threefold "HIM" before we read a threefold
"US". This order can never be reversed when we are dealing with grace. Of what value
would it be to be told that I was destined to sit at the right hand of God in heavenly
places, unless I am already assured that Christ is there, and there on my behalf?
Consequently we observe in the next place that when we read the threefold "US" we read
at the same time a threefold "together", not one of these blessings can be enjoyed apart
from this union with the ascended Christ. Possibly it is already beginning to dawn upon
us "what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward" if such a destiny and such a
fellowship are indeed ours. The first thing to consider is that this exceedingly great
power is "according to" something. It is the outworking of a purpose.
Kata, the Greek preposition translated "according to", when it governs the genitive
case retains its primary meaning "down", but when it governs the accusative case, as it
does in the passage under review, it often has the meaning of conformity and is translated
"according to". It would be outside the range of these studies to attempt a lengthy
disquisition on the origin, development and character of prepositions, but the reader may
be helped if he remembers that prepositions are associated with movement or rest, each