The Berean Expositor
Volume 38 - Page 2 of 249
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Since we penned the Foreword to Volume XXXVII two years ago,
much has transpired to encourage us in our testimony to the Truth
rightly divided.
Prominent among these encouragements must be placed the
reception that was given to our ministry throughout the visit to America
during May and June of 1955.  Not least among the causes for
thanksgiving was the abundant evidence we received that our literature
was treasured and studied by a goodly number of ministering brethren.
Then too we would preserve in these pages the note already printed
in the Editor's page. We repeat the comment made on our U.S.A.
ministry that our testimony is essentially CHRISTO-CENTRIC. For
this we humbly give thanks and pray that it ever be so.
The issue of the booklet "The Dispensational Frontier" encouraged
us to continue this mode of providing literature that could be used for
circulation, and a number have since been added which we commend to
all who love the Word.
Adverse criticism has prevented us from settling on our leas, and
has only deepened our convictions; and under the good hand of God,
the work is extending that is in the care of our Assistant Principal,
Stuart Allen.
So once again we rejoice to sign ourselves
Yours for the Truth Rightly Divided,