The Berean Expositor
Volume 37 - Page 85 of 208
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exceeding zealot for Israelite tradition, the veneration of angels would be deeply
ingrained thereby making this extreme case the more incisive. Nothing could be more
certain than Paul's clear conception of the Gospel he preached, and nothing could move
him to abate one iota of its blessed provision. The apostle's adversaries had not hesitated
to dub him both a time server and a man pleaser (I Cor. 9: 10-23; 10: 24);  he had
proscribed circumcision, yet had practiced it (Acts 16: 3).
"Now then", the apostle seems to say, "does this language startle you? Is this the
language of a time server? Will you persist in defaming me by saying I simply seek to
conciliate men?  If that had been my desire I should not be suffering for faithful
adherence to the gospel of Christ".
The word "yet" eti verse 10 should be read in the light of Gal. 6: 17, where Paul
closes his epistle on the same note with which he began. "Henceforth let no man
question my authority."  "Persuade" peitho usually suggests subordination, and is
sometimes translated "obey".  In chapter two we see the apostle yielding subjection
"not for an hour". He disposes of the idea that he sought to please men.
Having triumphantly disposed of the first charge, that he most certainly was not
attempting to ingratiate himself with men who were his superiors in the apostolic office,
or to please those who were his hearers, he turns to the next great subject of dispute,
namely, the Gospel itself which he preached, and the authority he had received. These
two related subjects follow in due order, and must occupy our attention in succeeding
articles. Let us not lightly put aside this record of a valiant single-handed fight in which
immortal odds were at stake, and the whole subject of salvation by grace through faith in
the very melting pot, without putting up a twofold prayer, first a word of thanksgiving for
the man of God who "fought a good fight and kept the faith" and, secondly, a prayer for
ourselves that we too in our day and generation may quit ourselves like men and be
strong in the faith.