The Berean Expositor
Volume 37 - Page 5 of 208
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On The Threshold
p. 120
Under this heading as opportunity occurs, we are printing a series of short meditations,
originally designed to accompany a daily reading. We have, as a matter of interest,
retained the original date heading, and the reader will understand why we have entitled
this series "On the Threshold", for in 1909, we commenced the series entitled
"Dispensational Expositions" in Thing to Come and at the same time No.1, Volume I of
The Berean Expositor was published. There is nothing very striking about this simple
little series, it sought then to minister to the heart's need and that need is as great to-day if
not greater.
JANUARY 1st, 1908
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart" (Matt. 11: 29).
As one looks toward the opening of another year, with the consciousness of much
failure, the text above seems to give a wondrous message. As heavy laden ones by grace
we have come to Him, and He has given us rest (28), shall we not as saved ones, still
come to Him? We can either frame our code of regulations for another year, and
miserably break them, or, as this verse teaches we may be linked to the Blessed Person of
our Saviour Himself, to walk as He walked; not to learn something about Him, but to
learn of Him. There can be no learning without the yoke. Fellowship with the Lord is far
more important than scholarship, and moreover, we have a responsibility--we are to take
the yoke. This word "take" is the same as that in Matt. 16: 24 where it refers to taking
up the cross, for even Christ learned obedience by the things He suffered (Heb. 5: 8).
The original word is also translated "to bear", as in John 1: 29 and I Pet. 2: 24. Thanks
be to God it is His yoke we are called upon to bear, and it is light, let us remember, He
bare our sins, surely gratitude should link us to Him! The character of Christ is here
wonderfully revealed, "meek and lowly in heart", and thus should every teacher be, see
II Tim. 2: 24, 25.  This is the great lesson we have to learn, and we can only hope to
succeed as we are joined to Him. May it be our blessed experience for by so doing we
shall find rest unto our souls.
(At the end of this year 1908, we had an interview with Dr. Bullinger which brought
us into association with "The Companion Bible" and Things to Come, and led to the
witness now known as The Berean Forward Movement. We trust, however far we have
traveled since January 1908, we have traveled "with Him").