The Berean Expositor
Volume 36 - Page 18 of 243
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It would have improved the rendering, and removed the ambiguity of the Authorized
Version had it rendered the fourth verse, "In all things, as the ministers of God, approving
ourselves", that is, "as it is meet that ministers of God should do".
Referring to this list of afflictions in conjunction with those presented in
II Cor. 11: 21-28, Canon Tate says:
"Forming conjointly a splendid enumeration of particulars, which--unparalleled, as,
from their nature they ever must be--may be ranked among the very highest examples of
the sublime and the pathetic."
II Cor. 6: 8-10 shows the real, as compared with the reputed situation in which the
Apostle laboured. It is here, the second in the list, that we meet with our text, "as
unknown, and yet well known", or, as we have suggested, "as ignored, yet recognized".
This seven-fold antithesis may be set out thus:
In the eyes of man.
In the eyes of God.
Not killed.
Always rejoicing.
Enriching others.
Having nothing.
Possessing all.
The word "deceiver" planos, is used of Christ (Matt. 27: 63), Antichrist (II John 7),
Paul (II Cor. 6: 8) and the seducing spirits of the closing days of this dispensation
(I Tim. 4: 1). How closely the apostle followed in the footsteps of his Lord. The Lord
Himself is classed with His very opposite, even as Paul was classed with the very demons
who will attempt to undo his life's work. Who are we, therefore, to murmur or complain
if, occasionally, we too find ourselves in this same exalted company?  In such
circumstances the words of Kipling, written on a lower plane, often come to mind:
"If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken,
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools."
And one wishes that some Christian poet might take "If" as his model, and give us a
companion poem relating to true Christian experience. (Since writing this series it has
been our joy to read a poem by Reginald Wallis which fulfils this wish.)