The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 261 of 261
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trappings of ceremonial, all rites and all observances as being essential to true worship--
a God who is "spirit" must be worshipped "in spirit and in truth".
The pursuit of this theme has already led us to occupy more space than was originally
allotted, so with one further observation we must close the present article.
In the O.T. worship is offered to "The Lord" who is referred to as "The Lord thy
God". In the N.T. (The Revelation), worship is offered to "God", and to "Him that made
heaven and earth", but here in John 4: it is the "Father" that is worshipped, it is the
"Father" that seeks worship--and surely none but "children" can worship the "Father",
none but children can offer to Him His due. And will "children" who seek thus to render
homage to a "Father" feel under any necessity to pay such reverence in a temple? need
such adopt priestly vestments? need such perform an elaborate ritual? No title of God is
so intimate, so near to the heart, so far removed from ritual and ordinance as the title
"Father" and worship that is offered to Him in that capacity must of necessity participate
in the same essentials.