The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 220 of 261
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Fellowship in the gospel from the beginning (Phil. 1: 3-26; 4: 11-20).
Conversation here, and there (Phil. 1: 27 - 2: 5; 3: 20 - 4: 10).
Sevenfold humiliation of Christ, and loss of Paul (Phil. 2: 6-11; 3: 14-19).
Examples of Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus (Phil. 2: 17-30).
Colossians.--This epistle is built round the central section which is headed with the
word "Beware" (Col. 2: 4-23). We exhibit one pair of correspondencies only here.
G | 1: 15, 16. Creator, Image.
H | 1: 20. Heaven and earth.
I | 1: 17, 18. Christ pre-eminent.
J | 1: 20. Peace. Forgiveness.
K | 1: 22. Holy, blameless.
G | 3: 10. Created, Image.
H | 3: 11.  Jew and Greek.
I | 3: 11. Christ all and in all.
J | 3: 13, 15. Peace. Forgive.
K | 3: 9, 12. Put off, put on. Holy.
The disposition of the subject-matter would need to be slightly re-arranged if the
literary form were our object: the above however is sufficient to demonstrate the balance
of parts.
II Timothy.--Here we have three pairs of correspondencies:
Paul and his message forsaken (II Tim. 1: 8-18; 4: 9-18).
The good Soldier. The good fight. The Crown (II Tim. 2: 1-13; 3: 10 - 4: 8).
Approved (dokimos): Disapproved (adokimos) (II Tim. 2: 14-26; 3: 1-9).
This is not all. Not only has each epistle its own individual structure, but the four
taken together make an indissoluble whole.
The Prison Epistles.
The dispensation (3: 2 and 9 R.V.); Mystery (3: 3).
The Church which is His Body (1: 22, 23).
The fullness (1: 23; 4: 10); Christ the Head (1: 22).
Principalities and Powers (1: 21).
B | PHILIPPIANS. | Try the things that differ (1: 21).
The Prize.
| Strive (1: 27); Press towards the mark (3: 14).
| Prize (3: 14); Depart (1: 23); Offered (2: 17).
Dispensation (1: 25); Mystery (1: 26).
The Church which is His Body (1: 24).
in Him.
Fullness (1: 19); Christ the Head (2: 19).
Principalities and Power (1: 16; 2: 10).
| Rightly dividing the word of truth (2: 15).
The Crown.
| Strive (2: 5); Course finished (4: 7).
| Crown (4: 8); Depart (4: 6); Offered (4: 6).