The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 106 of 261
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"That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father" (John 5: 23).
Before we proceed, we must seek the structure of this passage, for this will set the
course of our investigation and prevent us from mistaking an incidental remark for one of
first magnitude. In other words, the structure provides the Lord's own emphasis, as
though He had actually underlined the Bible for us. Here is the structure of this great
John 5: 19 - 30.
"My Father worketh hitherto, and I work" expanded from verse 17.
A | 19. Nothing of Self. "What He seeth." |
a1 | The Son can do nothing of Himself.
b1 | What He seeth the Father do.
b1 | Whatsoever He do.
a1 | These also doeth the Son likewise.
B | 20. Greater works, that ye may marvel.
C | 21-23. Equality of the Son. |
c | For as . . . so . . . raiseth and quickeneth.
d | Krino, krisis: Judgment.
e | The Son sent.
D | 24, 25. The hour and the voice.
No condemnation (krisis). |
f | Verily, verily.
g1 | Hear my Word.
h1 | Hath everlasting life.
i | The hour cometh and now is.
f | Verily, verily.
g2 | Hear the voice of the Son of God.
h2 | They that hear shall live.
C | 26, 27. Equality of the Son. |
c | For as . . . so life in Himself.
d | Krisis: Judgment.
e | The Son of man.
B | 28-. Marvel not at this, for something greater follows.
D | -28, 29. The hour and the voice.
Some come to condemnation (krisis). |
i | The hour cometh.
g3 | Hear His voice.
h3 | Resurrection of life or judgment.
A | 30. Nothing of Self. "As I hear." |
a2 | I can of Mine own self do nothing.
b2 | As I hear I judge.
b2 | My judgment is just.
a2 | Not My own will, but His.