The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 77 of 261
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We must now acquaint ourselves with the teaching that underlies these references to
the Lord's "Servant". We must first, however, have the structure of the section as a
whole before us, so that, even though we do not attempt a detailed exposition of every
section, the relation of each part to the whole may be observed, and the light thus
received illuminate the passages chosen for expansion.
Isaiah 41: 8 - 42: 17.
The Two Servants, Israel and the Messiah.
A | 41: 8, 9. ISRAEL MY SERVANT. |
a1 | Thou Israel, My Servant.
b1 | Chosen.
c1 | My friend.
a1 | Thou art My Servant.
b1 | Chosen.
c1 | Not cast away.
B | 41: 10-20. I UPHOLD. |
d1 | I am . . . . . I am.
e1 | I will . . . . . will . . . . . will.
f1 | They shall . . . . . shall.
g1 | I will . . . . . will . . . . . will . . . . . will.
f1 | They shalt . . . . . shalt . . . . . shalt.
e1 | I will . . . . . will . . . . . will . . . . . will . . . . . will.
d1 | The Lord . . . . . the Holy One.
C | 41: 21-29. YE ARE GODS. |
h1 | Show what shall happen.
i1 | Ye are gods.
j1 | Ye are nothing . . . . . nought.
h1 | Declare from beginning.
i1 | He is righteous.
j1 | Wind, Confusion.
A | 42: 1. BEHOLD MY SERVANT. |  Messiah. Israel a type.
B | 42: 1-7. I UPHOLD. |
d2 | Judgment to Gentiles.
e2 | He shall not cry, bruise, quench.
d2 | Judgment unto Truth.
e2 | He shall not fail, be discouraged.
f2 | Called, hold, keep, give.
g2 | Covenant. Light.
f2 | Open eyes. Release prisoners.
C | 42: 8-17. YE ARE OUR GODS. |
h2 | Graven images. No praise.
i2 | Former things. New things.
j2 | Call to sing.
j2 | Purpose to destroy.
i2 | Darkness--light. Crooked--straight.
h2 | Graven images--shame.