The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 63 of 261
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Fundamentals of Christian Practice.
by  Stuart Allen
Prayer doctrinally and dispensationally considered.
pp. 171 - 177
We are deeply conscious that, to have a share in the ministry of the "Berean
Expositor", is not only a great privilege, but at the same time a real responsibility. In the
following series we intend to dwell upon practical truths which the Scripture indicates
should be in the lives of all who love the Lord and the high calling He has so graciously
given us. We have the young believer specially in mind, and while some aspects of the
truth presented may be elementary to those who are more advanced along the Christian
pathway, we ask such to bear with us so that those who are younger in the faith may grow
in grace and that we may all not only be rooted in Him (Eph. 3: 17) but exhibit that fruit
of the Spirit which is so well pleasing in His sight (Gal. 5: 22).
To the believer who is going on to spiritual maturity, there can scarcely be a more
important subject than that of prayer. Its importance can be gauged by considering the
pattern given to us by the ascended Lord Jesus, viz. the great Apostle of the Gentiles and
his ministry (I Tim. 1: 16).
Even a casual reading of Paul's epistles cannot fail to disclose the large place that
prayer occupied in his life and witness. It is no overstatement of truth to say that these
were literally steeped in prayer. No less than six times in his letters does the Apostle
declare that he prayed "without ceasing".  On the surface this appears to be an
exaggeration. How could a man write such a passage as II Cor. 11: 21-31 describing his
sufferings for Christ, his tremendous responsibilities, his untiring work, that could have
left little time for what we call leisure, yet declare that he never left off praying?
If we limit prayer to drawing aside in secret upon our knees, and pouring out our
hearts to God, it is obvious that the Apostle could have had very little time so to do. But
prayer, in its essence, is an attitude of the new nature and the renewed mind to God. It is
one that is constantly in touch with Him in fellowship and communion and that, in spite
of all external pressure of circumstances.
Paul could therefore declare in truth that his prayer life was continuous and
uninterrupted, and those who follow him even as he followed Christ, will ever desire to
know in daily experience, such a blessed spiritual condition.
In considering this vital subject, let us look at the words used by the Holy Spirit in the
N.T. for prayer.
Deomai occurs 22 times and is rendered in the A.V. "pray" 12 times, "beseech"
9 times and "make request" once.