The Berean Expositor
Volume 34 - Page 17 of 261
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Foundation Day Meetings, May 29th.
p. 162
Among the signs of the times that have a close connection with the present
dispensation are those which are foretold by Paul in the second epistle to Timothy.
In chapter 3: he enumerates among other perils that beset the truth in the last days,
"Truce-breakers" and "Traitors", and in chapter 4: reveals the dread consequences of
this betrayal of trust. We are living in the closing days of this dispensation, and betrayal
of truth now takes the place of the betrayal of Christ by Judas.
The Berean Forward Movement is a sacred trust, and in order that the truth entrusted
shall be preserved inviolate, we hold every year in the month of May "Foundation Day
Meetings", where the four basic tenets of the trust are reaffirmed and made public.
We appeal to all of like precious faith to do their utmost to stand by us in this
endeavour to "Guard the good deposit". The foundation day meetings will be held at 3.0
and 6.0 with an interval for light refreshments.
Those responsible for the provision of the refreshments would be greatly helped if
those who hoped to partake would send a post card, as no extra food is allocated by the