The Berean Expositor
Volume 33 - Page 225 of 253
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The days of Noah. The nations just before the call of Abraham
As it was in the days of Noah. The nations before Israel are saved.
Promises made to Abraham, Moses and David.
Promises fulfilled that were made to these Patriarchs.
Christ comes as King of the Jews. Rejected.
Christ comes the second time as King. In power and great glory.
The complete Structure of "The Purpose of the Ages" is set out in detail on pages 248
and 249 of Dispensational Truth, a Volume known and possessed by many of our
readers, and is still obtainable. To appreciate this attempt to indicate the element of
balance in the outworking of this purpose, the reader is urged to consult that Volume and
go over the Structure line by line.
We believe such an examination will justify fully the claim that the Scriptures are an
organic whole; that God has a sublime purpose; that each succeeding dispensation
unfolds further and fuller details of that purpose; that the dispensation of the Mystery is
the pivot on which this purpose revolves, and that at the close of this dispensation the
inverse correspondence commences, placing in the second scale the fulfillment of what is
predicated at the opening of the Word.
If the reader can look, not merely at this outline but investigate its details, comparing
feature with feature as they are given in its corresponding members, he will be in
possession of a view of the whole of the Word, which, if deficient in the matter of detail,
will be sufficient to encourage the fullest search and study, and, taken together with
Peter's analysis studied in the preceding paper, should prove to be no small equipment in
true, scriptural service.
The reader who consults Dispensational Truth will perceive that, without Christ, this
outline has no connecting ties, but that with Him, in His various offices, the purpose of
the ages is carried forward from glory to glory.
The central figure, the Mystery, has been given the same denominating letter,  A*,
as the beginning and the end, in order that it may be as apparent to the eye as to the
understanding; that the Mystery, purposed before the ages and concealed for so long, is
the pivot upon which the balance of this purpose depends.
(* - "H" in the Fourth `revised' Edition, page 240, 241).
A friend and reader who had recently been attacked by reason of his faith in the
inspiration of Scripture, secured a hearing, and extracted a reluctant acknowledgment
from his opponents that he had grounds for his faith, by presenting them with another, but
somewhat similar, outline to the one printed in Dispensational Truth.
Apart from divine inspiration, it is difficult to explain the presence of such a perfect
plan in the long series of books, written by different men, over a period of more than a
thousand years, some in Hebrew and some in Greek, which constitute the Bible, and it is