The Berean Expositor
Volume 33 - Page 76 of 253
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very nature of the subject, the following structure is presented in its barest outlines; to
follow out the subdivisions in one presentation would, because of their complexity, defeat
our object. With this necessary reservation in mind, we believe that the outline will not
only be of interest, but of service, as we endeavour to follow the mind of the Lord in the
outworking of His gracious purposes.
Isaiah 40: 12 - 42: 17.
A | 40: 2 - 41: 7. The incomparable nature of the Creator,
and the consequent folly of idolatry.
A | 41: 8 - 42: 17. The two "Servants", Israel and Messiah,
and the consequent folly of idolatry.
This folly of idolatry is demonstrated, first by the utter inability of molten images
either to act or foretell, and secondly in the contemplation of the true nature of service.
The two parts of Isa. 40: 2 - 41: 7 can now be considered separately, and the structure
of the first part is as follows:
Isaiah 40: 2 - 41: 7.
The Incomparable nature of the Creator,
A | 40: 12-14. "WHO?" The Creator's might and wisdom. |
THINGS VISIBLE: Measured, meted, comprehended, weighed.
THINGS INVISIBLE: Directed, counseled, taught, shewed.
B | 40: 15-17. "THE ISLES". The comparative insignificance of the world. |
The nations--a drop in a bucket and less than nothing.
C | 40: 18 - 41: 1. The utter folly of idolatry,
and the incomparable nature of God. |
a | To whom will ye liken God?
b | The graven image.
c | Have ye not known . . . . . heard?
d | Inhabitants as grasshoppers.
a | To whom will ye liken Me?
b | Creation.
c | Hast thou not known . . . . . heard?
d | Power to the faint.
A | 41: 2-4. "WHO?" Jehovah's might and wisdom. |
THINGS VISIBLE: Raised, called, ruled.
THINGS INVISIBLE: "I am He": "First and Last".
B | 41: 5. "THE ISLES". |
Fear and false trust.
C | 41: 6, 7. The utter folly of idolatry. |
The carpenter and goldsmith.
Ready for soldiering.
Fastened with nails.