The Berean Expositor
Volume 32 - Page 246 of 246
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even though the old man was crucified at the cross, and even though the believer is never
exhorted to attempt what Christ alone has already accomplished on the cross, yet he is
enjoined to put off the old man with his deeds, and to repudiate his former conversation
(Eph. 4: 22; Col. 3: 9).
In concluding this article we would refer to the distinct line of truth devoted to the
matter of reward for faithful service, in which connection the overcomer and going on
unto perfection are spoken of and the running of a race and winning a prize. Col. 1: 12
speaks of "the inheritance" in terms of a free, unmerited, gift, but Col. 3: 29 speaks of
"the reward of the inheritance" in connexion with faithful service. This feature is found
in the record of the conquest of Canaan, not at Jericho or in the taking of the land, but in
connection with Caleb whose added portion was called Hebron "because he wholly
followed the Lord God of Israel" (Josh. 14: 6-15).