The Berean Expositor
Volume 32 - Page 229 of 246
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The Scripture.
p. 240
While graphe, the Greek word translated "Scripture" means anything "written", being
derived from grapho "to write", yet it is a remarkable fact worthy of attention, that while
graphe occurs 51 times in the N.T. it is never translated by any other term than
"Scripture". These are "The Writings" par excellence and stand in a class by themselves.
Similarly, the expression, "It is written" is used exclusively to refer to what is written in
the Holy Scriptures, and not what is written generally.
These "Scriptures" are denominated "holy" (hagios) in Rom. 1: 2, and "holy"
(ta heira, priestly, sacred) in II Tim. 3: 15. Here, however, another word is introduced.
The word translated "Scripture" in II Tim. 3: 15 being not graphe but gramma,
referring to the "letters" themselves rather than the resulting "Scripture". Gramma occurs
in Gal. 6: 11, II Cor. 3: 6, John 5: 47, 7: 15 and elsewhere.
In usage graphe "implies a reference to the authoritative character of the Scriptures
as a whole", whereas gramma "describes them (the Scriptures) as the object of study"