The Berean Expositor
Volume 32 - Page 185 of 246
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Here we have a "dispensation" which was particularly concerned with the Gentiles; a
"revelation" that makes known that which was a "mystery", and that, hitherto, this
mystery had been "hid in God" (Eph. 3: 9). And not only was it "hid in God", but "from
the ages and from the generations, though now made manifest to His saints" (Col. 1: 26).
In order that no statement shall be accepted as true that is not proved from the
Scriptures, we pause to justify the remark that "the dispensation of the mystery was
revealed after the setting aside of Israel". Usually it is enough to produce the missing
link in a chain, but, if the play of words may be pardoned, we have a complete chain of
evidence, and that none other than the one which fettered the Apostle Paul in his Roman
Until the all-day conference with the leaders of the Jews, which concluded with their
dismissal at the quoting of Isa. 6:, there was the human possibility of the national
repentance of Israel, and the realization of that nation's hope. Consequently, the Apostle
rightly says in Acts 28: 20: "For the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain."
When next he speaks of his bonds as his chain, the dispensation of the mystery had been
entrusted to him, and in Eph. 3:, 4: & 6:, and Col. 4:, his chain is most intimately
associated with the mystery.
While there is much more to be said concerning the unique character of this new
revelation, enough has been adduced to prove beyond dispute that this dispensation of the
mystery, revealed after the setting aside of Israel, must be different from both the earthly
sphere, and the new Jerusalem, and as we have seen that these latter terms represent two
very distinct spheres, we are compelled to subscribe to the doctrine of three spheres of
blessing, thus:--
(1) FIRST SPHERE . . .
The Earth.--Subject of O.T. and part of N.T.
Israel dominant.
(2) SECOND SPHERE . . . New Jerusalem.--Subject only of part of the N.T.
Both Jew and Gentile as seed of Abraham.
(3) THIRD SPHERE . . .
The Mystery.--Subject of the "prison" epistles only.
Gentiles especially.
We do not see how it is possible to deny that there is reference, in the Scriptures, to
these three spheres--unless we confuse either the New Jerusalem with the earthly sphere
or the mystery with the New Jerusalem. As this is impossible, if we are to keep both our
faith and our reason, we believe that every unprejudiced reader must be convinced that
there is recorded in the Scriptures three spheres of blessing.