The Berean Expositor
Volume 32 - Page 93 of 246
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Scriptures.  The Babylonians were noted for their astronomical observations and
calculations and, had such a mighty thing happened, Babylon and the whole world would
have been aware of the miracle of the ten degrees. We are distinctly told, however, that
the embassy from Babylon referred to the sign of the sundial as, "The wonder that was
done in the land" (II Chron. 32: 31). How the Lord made the shadow go back we do
not know, but that He did so, without upsetting the solar system, we are perfectly sure.
At the conclusion of Isa. 38: we read:
"The Lord was ready to save me: therefore we will sing my songs to the stringed
instruments all the days of our life in the house of the Lord" (Isa. 38: 20).
More than 250 years ago Dr. John Lightfoot suggested that there might be a reference,
here to those Psalms which are called "The Songs of the Degrees", but it was left for
Dr. J. W. Thirtle, in our own day, to bring this truth to light. "The Songs of Degrees" are
fifteen in number, corresponding with the fifteen years of life granted to Hezekiah. They
are Psalms 120:-134: Hezekiah's name does not occur in them, and four are said to
have been written by David and one by Solomon. From this it would appear that
Hezekiah wrote some and adopted others that fitted his case, calling the whole group of
fifteen "My songs".
The Companion Bible devotes an appendix (No.67) to these Songs of the Degrees, and
we here acknowledge our indebtedness to that great work. We tabulate therefrom eleven
out of the fifteen items:
TONGUE.--Referred  to  in
Psa. 120: 2, 3 and 123: 3, 4.
SENNACHERIB'S REPROACHES.--Practically quoted Psa. 129: 5-7.
SENNACHERIB'S SHAME.--Referred to in Psa. 129: 4, 5.
HEZEKIAH'S EARNEST PRAYER.--Finds more than an echo in
Psa. 120: 1; 123: 1-3 and 130: 1, 2.
GOD, "THE MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH".--See Psa. 121: 1, 2;
124: 8 and 134: 3.
JEHOVAH'S PROMISED HELP.--Psa. 121: 2-8; 124: 1-3, 6; 125: 2.
"FOR  MY  SERVANT  DAVID'S  SAKE."--Psa. 132: 1-10  and
127: 3-5.
HEZEKIAH'S  TRUST  IN  JEHOVAH.--Psa. 121: 2;  125: 1-3;
135: 5-8.
HEZEKIAH LIKE A BIRD IN A CAGE.--Psa. 124: 7; Hezekiah
re-lived David's experience.
II Chron. 29: 3 with Psa. 122: 1, 9.
THE PASSOVER FOR "ALL ISRAEL".--Read Psa. 133: in the light
of II Chron. 30: 12.
Among the public benefactions recorded of Hezekiah must be noted that which is
mentioned in II Chron. 32: 30: