The Berean Expositor
Volume 32 - Page 64 of 246
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Fruits of Fundamental Studies.
#24.  The Scriptures an Entity:
to be accepted or rejected as a whole.
pp. 30 - 32
If a pound note be exchanged for twenty shillings, such exchange does not in any way
detract from the full value of the pound. This is referred to the category of Quantity.
There are however "entities" as well as "quantities" and "entity" differs from "quantity"
in that it can only exist as a whole, subdivision being, in the nature of the case,
impossible. For instance, while a father may divide his substance among his children
without loss or detriment, he cannot thus divide and distribute himself. However much
he may long to be with John while he is staying with James, the fact that he is an entity
makes that longing impossible of fulfillment. Close and earnest acquaintance with the
Scriptures convinces the believer that they are an entity: they must be taken as a whole,
or not at all
In the course of our dealings with our fellows, we meet with many who, while
rejecting the Scriptures as the inspired Word of God, make the assertion, that in this
aspect or in that, they believe and accept them. One endorses the moral code of the
Bible, while viewing both the record of the creation of man and his redemption with
skepticism. Another revels in the poetic and literary excellence of the Bible, yet accounts
the bulk of its subject-matter as so much myth and folk lore. A third would place "Jesus"
upon the highest pedestal that a "man" can occupy, but denies His deity. Yet another has
room only for what he calls "the eleventh commandment", that of love, while another
accepts the teaching of the sermon on the mount, but rejects the teaching of Paul as to
redemption and justification. Again, to another, prophecy, as such, is simply impossible,
and to another the idea of a miracle is unscientific and absurd.
Let us test the assertion that the Scriptures are an entity, to be taken as a whole or
rejected. First let us consider the difficulty confronting the person. That moral code
revolves around the foci of truth and righteousness. Everything is tested by the
plumb line of unbiased righteousness, and truth is the essential foundation of all its
ethical teaching.
The beginnings of this code coincide with the history of the man Moses.  The
Scriptures give particulars of the birth of Moses, the four generations that intervene
between Abraham and his birth; they record the fact that he was of the line of Levi, and
tell how he was taken into the care of the Egyptian princess, together with numerous
statements of such particular character as to leave no doubt in the mind of the reader that
Moses did actually live in Egypt, that he did lead Israel out, as God appointed, that he did
ascend Mount Sinai and there received that law, which for ever after was associated with
his name.  Not only so, but subsequent books of the Old Testament are equally
committed to the same teaching. Joshua succeeds Moses, and the people feared Joshua
"as they feared Moses all the days of his life" (Josh. 4: 14). Again, Joshua makes