The Berean Expositor
Volume 30 - Page 171 of 179
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Things that be of God.
The gift of God.
p. 20
There are nineteen occurrences of the word doron, "gift", in the N.T. Twelve occur in
the Gospels, and without exception these references speak of the presentation of gifts or
offerings by man to God. Five occurrences are found in Hebrews, where in four cases the
word is used of the "gifts and sacrifices" offered to God by the priest, and once of the
offering made by Abel.  Rev. 11: 10 uses the word for gifts sent from one person to
another. Thus eighteen out of the total number of nineteen references use the word as of
a gift offered by man, either to God or to his fellow-men. The one glorious exception is
that of Eph. 2: 8: "It is the gift of God." Here in the dispensation of the Mystery, it is
God Who comes out to sinful man with His gift, and not man who brings the gift to God.
Let us treasure this evidence of the rich grace that characterizes the dispensation under
which we have been called.