The Berean Expositor
Volume 30 - Page 144 of 179
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b | For the gospel of God.
c | The offering of the Gentiles.
d | Might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
d2 | 17-20. Evidences of Paul's preaching. |
Fully preached.
Jerusalem and Illyricum.
b2 | 21. As it is written. Scripture speaks of Gentile inclusion. |
To whom not spoken.
They shall see.
\ Gentiles.
Those who had not heard.
They shall hear.
d3 | 22-29. Paul's further plans. |
Fulness of the blessing of the Gospel.
Rome and Spain.
a3 | 30-32. Acceptance. |
c | Strive together with me in prayer.
b | That I may be delivered.
a | Diaknia. Ministry for Jerusalem.
d | May be accepted of the saints.
c2 | 33. NOW THE GOD OF PEACE.--No division here.
A3 | 16: 1-23. THE MINISTRY OF MANY.
a4 | 1-16. Acceptance. |
a | Diakonos. Phoebe a minister of Cenchrea.
b | Priscilla and Aquila. All churches of Gentiles give thanks.
c | Salutation to and from Circumcision and Uncircumcision.
d | Holy kiss. Churches of Christ.
b3 | 17-19. Teaching ye learned. |
Divisions and offences. Mark them.
Self services. Avoid them.
Your obedience is come abroad.
c3 | 20. NOW THE GOD OF PEACE.--No division here.
d4 | 20. Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
a5 | 21-23. Acceptance. |
Salutations from different ones of the Circumcision and Uncircumsion.
The whole Church.
Let us now go into this structure a little more fully. We observe first of all that it
divides into three large sections A1, A2, A3.  In each of these the theme is ministry.
The ministry of the circumcision must not be so construed as to ignore the Gentile,
for (a) the call of Abraham had in view the blessing of the Gentile through Israel,
and (b) the O.T. Scriptures are by no means silent on this point (Rom. 15: 8-15).
The ministry of the apostle Paul was a ministry of Jesus Christ, even though Christ
Himself was no longer on earth; and further, it was of such a character as to
render the offering up of the Gentiles acceptable, for they were sanctified by the
Holy Ghost (Rom. 15: 16-33).