The Berean Expositor
Volume 30 - Page 66 of 179
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true that the surface of the earth has been impregnated with sea water.
Now the
composition of sea salt is as follows:
Sodium chloride ("Common Salt") . . .
Magnesium chloride . . .
Magnesium sulphate . . .
Gypsum (Calcium sulphate) . . .
Potassium sulphate . . .
Calcium carbonate . . .
Magnesium bromide . . .
0.07 per 1000 parts.
In addition there are traces of many other elements in sea water, the total number
being approximately 40 out of the 90 elements that are known to exist.
We come back now to the elements of the body and their functions. "Lime" or
Calcium, as we all know, is used in the composition of bone, and "iron" is essential for
healthy blood. The following is a list of some of the other metals, showing their relation
to the various parts of the body:
The pancreas.--Nickel, Cobalt and Lead.
The subrenal capsules (connected with the kidneys).--Tin.
The liver and kidneys.--Zinc.
The thyroid, heart, spleen and kidneys.--Silver.
The lungs, kidneys, heart and pancreas.--Aluminum.
The lungs, liver and heart.--Copper.
All organs, especially the thyroid and spleen.--Chromium.
All organs, especially the brain, spleen and thyroid.--Tin.
All organs except the heart.--Zinc.
Note.--It is interesting also to learn that silver is essentially feminine, while aluminum is
related to that which is essentially masculine.
The reader may well wonder what all these metals have to do in the economy of the
human body. The answer is that their action is mainly "catalytic"--a "catalyst" being a
substance in the presence of which a chemical action proceeds, which would otherwise
go very slowly or cease altogether. For example, without the presence of copper in the
lungs, the interaction between iron and oxygen falls below the rate that is essential to life,
whereas if the lungs have their proper supply of copper, the rate of reaction is kept up to a
healthy standard. The intelligence of man has made use of this valuable property of
catalytic action for a variety of industrial processes--and yet there are many who would
deny any evidence of Divine intelligence in creation.
Not only is the human body composed of these wonderful elements and salts, but the
food provided for man (as indicated in Gen. 1: 29) is rich in these elements and salts in
their most assimilable form.
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the
face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you
it shall be for meat" (Gen. 1: 29).