The Berean Expositor
Volume 29 - Page 117 of 208
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Where in the whole range of Scripture is there anything to approximate to that title?
Then, as already mentioned, this church is said to be "seated together in heavenly places
in Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2: 6). The epistle to the Hebrews is the grandest exposition of
what the seating of Christ at the right hand of God in heaven itself means, but Hebrews
leaves the seated Priest alone in heaven's holiest of all, no revelation having then been
made of the church and its high calling.
To the foregoing could be added the additional distinguishing features of the blessed
removal of the middle wall, the blotting out of Jew and Gentile in the new man, the status
of this company, "the perfect man" (husband) and its hope, "to be manifested with Him
in glory" (Col. 3: 1-4).
We therefore believe and teach that the calling and constitution of the church
of the dispensation of the mystery is unique. That no other church or company
has a calling or constitution like it, and that it is destructive of all true
interpretation or understanding to attempt to bring over, or unite, the church of
the Acts with the church of the mystery on the ground that both companies are
built upon the rock Christ Jesus and His finished work. It no more proves that
they are the same, or similar, than that Westminster Abbey is the same as the
Houses of Parliament. The unique blessings of the dispensation of the mystery
are our priceless inheritance. Chosen in Him before the foundation of the world,
blessed and seated together in heavenly places, destined to be the very fullness of
Christ, and the perfect man, let no one attempt to link together what God has
manifestly kept asunder.
For further notes and fuller details the reader is referred to the following Volumes, and
also to "The Testimony of the Lord's Prisoner".
Foundation (katabole) . . . . .
Vol. 4:/5: 22.
Unique Character of Dispensation of Mystery . . . . . Vol. 12: 155-158.