The Berean Expositor
Volume 29 - Page 85 of 208
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The Kingdom of Priests.
The history of Israel is the history of the House of God.
A | I Chron. 28: DAVID. Command to build (10). Writing (19).
The Lord be with thee (20).
B | II Chron. 2:-11: SOLOMON. Determines (2: 1). Begins (3: 1).
Finishes (5: 1). Dedicates (6:). Threat (7: 19-22).
C | II Chron. 12: SHISHAK. Deliverance granted (7). Treasures taken to Egypt (9).
D | 13: ABIJAH. Keeps to Levitical order (10, 11).
E | 15:, 16: | a | ASA. Brought in dedicated things (good) (15: 18).
b | ASA. Brought out silver and gold (bad) (16: 2).
F | 20: JEHOSHAPHAT. Be not afraid (15).
Battle is not yours (15).
Believe His prophets (20). Dead bodies (24).
* * * Types of Christ and Antichrist. * * *
G | 22: JOASH. Hidden (12).
H | 23: JOASH. King brought (20).
I | 24: JOASH. Repaired (4). Levites gathered (5).
J | 24: | c | JOASH. Set house in his state (13).
d | JOASH. Vessels to minister (14).
K | 24: JOASH. Burnt offerings offered (14).
* *
Three out of four types of Antichrist.  * *
L | 25: JOASH. Take vessels (24). Israel's King.
M | 26: UZZIAH. Sacrilege (16). 16 years (1). The leper.
M | 27: JOTHAM. Entered not (2). 16 years (1).
L | 28: AHAZ. Take portion (21). Followed Israel (2).
* * * Types of Christ and Antichrist. * * *
G | 28: AHAZ. Shut up (24).
H | 29: HEZEKIAH. Doors opened (3).
I | 29: HEZEKIAH. Cleansed (15). Levites gathered (12-15).
J | 29: |
d | HEZEKIAH. Sacrifice (31).
c | HEZEKIAH. Service of house set in order (35).
K | 30: HEZEKIAH. Passover kept (15).
F | 32: HEZEKIAH. Be not afraid (7).
With us . . . . . the Lord . . . . . battles (8).
Rested on words (8). Cut off . . . . . slew (21).
E | 33: |
b | MANASSEH. Build altars (bad) (4, 5).
a | MANASSEH. Took away altars (good) (15, 16).
D | 34: JOSIAH (8). Restore to Levitical order (30, 31).
C | 36: NEBUCHADNEZZAR. No remedy (16). Vessels to Babylon (7).
B | 36: NEBUCHADNEZZAR. Burnt (19). Threat fulfilled (21).
A | 36: CYRUS. Charge to build. Writing.
The Lord be with him (22, 23).
In I Chron. 28: we find David expressing the desire of his heart to build the house
of God, but, bowing to the Divine will, he urges his son Solomon to build it, saying: