The Berean Expositor
Volume 29 - Page 62 of 208
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The Books of SAMUEL.
#3.  David, Anointed and Persecuted.
(I Samuel 16: 1 - 26: 25).
pp. 44 - 51
We have already seen that Saul's record is divided up into three sections, as follows:
I Sam. 8: 4 - 14: 35. The demand for a king, his testing and rejection.
I Sam. 16: 1 - 26: 25. The anointing of David, and his persecution by Saul.
I Sam. 27: 1 - II Sam. 1: 27. Saul's sin and death.
This is not only the actual order of events in Saul's career, but it also foreshadows the
great history of Christ and the Antichrist. Christ, as the true Anointed, has already been
chosen and is believed in by His people, but He and they are for the time being in such
places as the Cave of Adullam, or, as Hebrews puts it, "outside the camp". At the close
of this period of persecution, "Antichrist" comes to the fore, but his association with
demoniacal powers is now evident and he dies "without hand" (cf. I Chron. 10: 13, 14).
In the present article, we must concentrate our attention on the period of David's
persecution, and once again we must ask our readers to remember that the amount of
material concerned is too great to deal with in detail in an article of this type. All we can
do is to point out the main features, leaving the reader to supplement as the Lord gives
grace. This method must not, however, be misconstrued as implying either indifference
or laziness. The amount of concentration necessary for arriving at an outline of this kind
can only be appreciated by those who have attempted its discovery.
The following analysis provides a thread by which the main argument of this very full
section may be followed without losing one's way among the many explanatory details.
I Samuel 16: 1 - 26: 25.
A | 16: 1-23. THE LORD'S ANOINTED.
B | 17: 1-54. GOLIATH. His sword (51).
C | 17: 55-58. Whose son is he? The son of JESSE.
D | 18: 1-4. JONATHAN. "Stripped himself."
E | 18: 5 - 19: 17. | SAUL seeks DAVID'S life.
TWO ATTACKS. The Javelin (11).
The Philistines (17-27).
TWO CONFESSIONS. The Lord with David (18: 12, 28).
D | 19: 18-24. SAUL. "Stripped off his clothes."
C | 20: 1-42. THE SON OF JESSE.
B | 21: 1-9. GOLIATH. His sword (9).
E | 21: 10 - 26: 25. | DAVID spares SAUL'S life.
TWO OCCASIONS. Skirt (24: 4).
Spear (26: 12).
TWO CONFESSIONS. I know (24: 20)
Prevail (26: 25).